07 Juni 2006

die McIntyres

noch mal icke:

ich finde es immer erstaunlich, wieviele sachen manchmal sichtbar werden, die alle mit dem problem zusammenhängen, das man gerade gedanklich hegt. gestern habe ich mir einen englischen text auf arbeit ^^ durchgelesen, eine leseprobe aus einem pdf-buch (wer's mag...).

das buch ist von Bach, David und heißt "The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich".

"I was in my mid-twenties and was teaching an investment class at a local adult-education program. Jim McIntyre, a middle-aged middle manager for a local utility company, was one of my students. He and I hadn't spoken much until one day when he came up after class to ask if he could make an appointment with me to review his and his wife's financial situation.

The request surprised me. Though I felt strongly (and still do) that just about everyone can benefit from the advice of a qualified financial planner, Jim didn't strike me as the type who would seek it out.


When the McIntyres came into my office a few days later, they looked exactly like what they were: hardworking, "average Joe" Americans. What has stuck in my mind about Jim is that he was wearing a short-sleeved dress shirt with a plastic pocket protector in his breast pocket. His wife, Sue, had a little more flair, with some seriously blond highlights. She was a beautician, a couple of years younger than Jim.

The thing was, they didn't act like middle-aged people. They were holding hands like two high school kids on a first date, bubbling with excitement.


(...) I had to interrupt. "Guys, your enthusiasm is contagious, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I've met with literally hundreds of potential retirees over the last few years, and I have to tell you--hardly any of them have been able to retire in their early fifties."


*hey jetzt kommt's*

Normally, I don't get wide-eyed about people's wealth. But there was something about the McIntyres that impressed me. They didn't look rich. And they didn't seem terribly special. To the contrary, they seemed perfectly ordinary--your average, nice, hardworking couple. How could they have possibly amassed such wealth at such a relatively young age?

To put it mildly, I was confused. But I was also hooked. I was in my mid-twenties at the time, and even though I was making good money, I was still basically living paycheck to paycheck. Some months I did manage to save a little, but more often than not I'd get busy or spend too much the next month and not save a dime. Many months it seemed that instead of getting ahead, I was falling behind, working harder and harder to make ends meet.

It was embarrassing, really, and frustrating. Here I was, a financial advisor teaching others how to invest, and I was often struggling myself. Even worse, here were the McIntyres, who probably in their best year barely made half of what I was making, and yet they were millionaires, while I was falling further and further into debt."

falls interesse besteht, hier meine vokabelliste zum text:

asset base ------------ Vermögensgegenstand
interest -------------- Anteil
interest -------------- Zins, Zinsen
to generate ----------- erwirtschaften
to amass capital ------ Kapital anhäufen
to be hooked ---------- angebissen haben
paycheck -------------- Gehaltsscheck
to struggle oneself --- sich selbst im Weg stehen
to take action -------- verfahren, Schritte unternehmen, tätig werden
to be determined ------ entschlossen sein
to inherit ------------ erben
broke ----------------- pleite
to be leveraged ------- verschuldet sein
leveraged to the hilt - völlig mit Schulden belastet
mortgage -------------- Hypothek

die mischung aus unglaube, hilflosigkeit, eigene unsicherheit und hoffnung kann natürlich zu neid führen! oder zumindest dazu, dass die these, die die eigenen glaubenssätze erschüttern könnte, eingestampft wird. letzteres passiert mir auch ganz gerne mal in einer diskussion (oder passierte... weiß nicht, ob ich noch so ein hitzköpfle bin). ich war schon öfter jemand, der erst nach ner weile wieder angekommen ist und geäußert hat, dass er jetzt über die sache nochmal nachgedacht hätte... und dass das vielleicht ja doch zutreffe, was der / die andere gesagt hat.

in der geschichte wird ganz gut dargestellt, was da mal alles gerammt wird von den McIntyres, interessant auch, dass die McIntyres als "händchenhaltend" dargestellt werden. für mich auch von interesse das paradoxon, dass die beraterin beraten werden muss.





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